Right Shoulder and Arm Pain: 15 Causes and Treatments

2022-05-21 15:48:47 By : Mr. JC Chan

Shoulder pain is very common. Because they’re the most mobile joints in your body, your shoulders are very prone to the effects of injuries and degenerative conditions.

It’s possible that shoulder pain can radiate down into your arm. Conversely, a condition affecting your upper arm may be felt around your shoulder.

You may be wondering what are the most common causes of right shoulder and arm pain.

Generally speaking, problems with the rotator cuff are the most common cause of this type of pain. Many of these issues are also the cause of left shoulder pain. However, some causes of left shoulder pain may be related to organs that cause referred radiating pain.

Keep reading to learn more about rotator cuff conditions as well as other potential causes of right shoulder and arm pain.

These are 15 possible causes of pain that occurs in your right shoulder and arm:

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that keep your upper arm bone (humerus) in the shoulder socket. Tissues of the rotator cuff can become diseased due to overuse or injury, for example, and can lead to:

This happens when one or more of the tendons in your rotator cuff tear. Tears can be partial or complete. They may happen due to an injury, but are often due to wear and tear that happens over time.

A shoulder dislocation happens when the top of your humerus pops out of its socket in your shoulder. This occurs often due to sports injuries, car accidents, and falls.

A broken collarbone happens when there’s a break in your collarbone (clavicle). Your collarbone serves as a connection between your shoulder and breastbone (sternum). Many breaks happen due to falls or car accidents.

This occurs when there’s a break in your humerus. Breaks typically happen close to the shoulder or along the shaft (middle) of the bone. Like broken collarbones, they often happen due to falls or car accidents.

A frozen shoulder is when your shoulder stiffens and becomes painful without a known cause, although inflammation is believed to play a role. The condition often eases gradually on its own.

Calcific tendinitis is a condition where calcium deposits build up in or around your rotator cuff, causing symptoms similar to those of frozen shoulder. The exact cause is unknown.

A shoulder sprain happens when ligaments in your shoulder are stretched or torn. This can happen to any of the ligaments of your shoulder. Sprains often occur due to sports injuries, falls, or accidents.

A separated shoulder happens when there’s an injury to the ligaments that hold your shoulder to the collarbone. This can cause the ligaments to stretch or to completely tear.

Osteoarthritis is when the tissues of your joints become worn down, often due to normal wear and tear. While less common than knee or hip arthritis, shoulder arthritis can have a significant impact on those that have it.

RA is a condition in which your immune system attacks your joints. People with RA can experience significantly impaired shoulder function about 1.5 years after the condition’s onset.

Cervical radiculopathy happens when a nerve in your neck becomes compressed as it moves away from your spinal cord. It can happen due to wear and tear, herniated discs, or bone spurs.

Brachial neuritis is when the brachial nerve, which supplies your shoulder and arm, becomes inflamed. Its cause is unknown. About 60 percent of the time brachial neuritis affects your dominant side.

Your brachial plexus is a group of nerves that control movements in your arm and hand. This function can be affected when these nerves are damaged. Common causes are falls and accidents.

TOS is actually a group of conditions that happen when the nerves or blood vessels around your collarbone and first rib become compressed. It can be caused by injury and repetitive motions.

Now that we’ve discussed some of the causes of right shoulder and arm pain, let’s take a closer look at what that pain can feel like.

This happens when the pain is localized predominantly in the area of your shoulder and upper part of your humerus. The conditions that cause this can include:

In some cases, pain can be felt in both the area of the right shoulder and further down towards your right elbow. Some causes are:

Many causes of right shoulder and arm pain are localized in the area of the shoulder and upper arm. But some can cause pain that can be felt all the way down to your hand. These include:

Pain that occurs with numbness is often associated with conditions affecting the nerves in your shoulder and arm. The conditions that may cause this type of pain are:

There are several conditions in which pain may have a burning sensation to it. As with feelings of numbness, burning pain is often felt when nerves are involved. The conditions that can cause this type of pain are:

In addition to pain, you may also experience some of the following symptoms in or around your right shoulder and arm:

You may think that heart attack pain may only radiate to your left shoulder and arm. However, according to the American Heart Association, heart attack pain can be felt in the shoulders and one or both arms.

If you or someone else is experiencing right shoulder and arm pain that occurs with any of the symptoms below, call 911.

Let’s look at how right shoulder and arm pain is treated.

If your right shoulder and arm pain is mild to moderate, you can try the following things at home before making an appointment with your doctor.

If you talk with your doctor about right shoulder and arm pain, they may recommend the following, depending on the severity of your condition.

Exercise can help reduce pain and improve your flexibility. In fact, a 2020 review of 16 studies found that exercise therapy can be just as effective at easing persistent shoulder pain as corticosteroid injections or decompression surgery.

Below are three exercises that you can try out to help ease or prevent pain in your right shoulder or arm. You can do these stretches either standing up or sitting down.

When doing any exercise or stretch, remember to always use good posture and never push yourself further than you can go. If you have any questions or concerns about an exercise, don’t hesitate to talk with your doctor first.

You should feel this stretch in the back of your right shoulder. To do it:

This stretch is felt in your upper arm (triceps) and shoulder. Follow the steps below:

When you do this exercise, you can feel the stretch in your chest, shoulders, and upper arm (biceps). Here’s how to do it:

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have right shoulder and arm pain that:

Seek emergency care if you have an injury to your right shoulder or arm that:

Many conditions can lead to pain in your right shoulder and arm. This pain can affect different locations and may sometimes happen with numbness.

The most common cause of right shoulder and arm pain is an issue with your rotator cuff, such as tendinitis or bursitis. Other potential causes include fractures, arthritis, and cervical radiculopathy.

If you have mild to moderate pain, you can try using home remedies such as R.I.C.E., stretches, and OTC medications to ease your symptoms. Talk with your doctor if home care isn’t effective or pain happens with numbness or increasing swelling.

Last medically reviewed on December 10, 2020

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