Tennis elbow, ACL tear, sprained ankle and more: 6 common sports injuries and how to treat them | Nebraska Medicine Omaha, NE

2022-06-24 22:34:01 By : Ms. Bella Dunn

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Summer brings warm weather, making it a great time for outdoor activities like running, swimming, golfing and playing team sports. The uptick in outdoor activities also makes summer the perfect storm for sports injuries. 

Below, we discuss the following six common summer sports injuries:

A common injury during the spring and summer months is tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis. It typically occurs when repetitive motions — like those in tennis and other racquet sports, or even activities at home, such as yardwork and gardening — strain muscles in the forearm to the point of creating inflammation, or in some cases tiny tears in the tendons. 

Depending on the severity of your injury and your response to conservative treatments, you may need to consult with a physician to discuss other options like surgery. 

The rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles that work in part to help stabilize and control the motions of the shoulder during activity. Over time, rotator cuff tendons can rub against or impinge on a bone in the shoulder. This shoulder impingement can lead to rotator cuff tears or tendonitis. Repetitive overhead motions used in sports like tennis, swimming and baseball can also increase the risk of rotator cuff injuries. Additionally, muscular imbalances and weakness in the back and shoulder blade area can contribute to rotator cuff injuries.

Depending on your age, activity level and severity of injury, surgery may be recommended. 

The ulnar collateral ligament is the ligament on the inside of the elbow that helps stabilize the elbow. Injuries to the ligament can vary from minor stretching to a partial or complete tear. In young athletes, UCL injuries typically occur because of overuse or repeated trauma and are often associated with overhead motions like throwing. A UCL injury can also occur after falling on an outstretched arm or because of an elbow dislocation. 

Surgery may be recommended for individuals that do not respond to conservative care or for athletes returning to a high level of physical activity. The most common type of surgery is UCL reconstruction, otherwise known as Tommy John surgery.

When it comes to knee injuries, sprained or torn anterior cruciate ligaments are very common – and they are the ones we most often hear about because they are typically associated with surgery and extensive recovery. The ACL is a strong band of tissue that connects the thighbone to the shinbone and helps stabilize the knee. When a person lands incorrectly or changes direction suddenly, it can put pressure on the ACL and cause the ligament to tear or rupture. But sports mishaps aren't the only things that lead to these types of injuries – unintentional falls or blows to the knee can also cause them.

For injuries that are not complete ruptures, options may include:

Many people – especially athletes – may find that surgery is the best option depending on their age, level of physical activity and degree of instability.

Foot and ankle injuries can range from tendonous injuries to sprains to fractures. Lateral ankle sprains are the most common and can range from grade 1 (stretch) to grade 3 (complete tear). The most common injuries tend to be noncontact, often due to a misstep, fall, or an awkward landing after jumping. However, direct impacts from forces like crashes or dropped objects can also cause ankle injuries. Balance training, strengthening exercises and taping can help stabilize the ankle to prevent injury.

Depending on the severity of the injury, surgery may be recommended.

Hamstring, hip and thigh muscle injuries are also common during summer months. Like other sports injuries, these conditions can range in severity from stretching of the muscle to a partial tear or complete rupture. 

Most often, these muscles are injured because of one or a combination of the following:

Proper body mechanics and technique are key to preventing sports injuries. When an injury does occur, it's important to seek treatment promptly to avoid permanent damage or loss of function. A doctor can perform a physical examination and may order additional tests, such as X-rays or an MRI, to help identify the best course of care. If you experience any of the symptoms above, don't wait. Reach out to us for an expert consult and recommendation.

"It's good to have a team of professionals involved in care following an orthopaedic injury, especially as one works back into a sport," says Rusty McKune, ATC, ambulatory supervisor for the Nebraska Medicine Sports Medicine Program. "It's easy to overdo it and returning to activity should be a gradual process that allows the body to accommodate to the demands that are going to be placed on it." 

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